Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Much better

Spent the afternoon with my mom.

We walked down to the beach. Spent the afternoon talking.

Then she treated me to dinner. A nice feed of wings with Tankhouse Ale.

When I got back a person that had won a copy of Gillian's Place had written to say how much they loved reading it.

I feel a lot better.

Monday, June 23, 2008

That's it for a while

I'm not going to be looking to publish my work for a while. This whole getting published thing has not been fun.

It's a lot of work for damn little reward either monetary or emotional. Worse, it's taken all the fun out of writing.

So no more looking to get published until I find writing fun again.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Always a let down

The few days after a new book is released is always a let down. The excitement and anxiety build as the release date comes closer. The anxiety tends to stay once that date has passed.

Maybe I'll get used to it one of these days.

Friday, June 20, 2008

It's out.


My latest e-book, Gillian's Place is now available.

Buy a copy. It's good. ;;)

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Weird day in cyberspace.

My favorite place to hang in cyberspace has crashed. It's been down for almost a day now.

Photobucket has been hacked and unavailable.

Getting into other websites is sometimes a little tricky.

I'm hoping that doesn't happen tomorrow. I've got tons of promoting to do for Gillian's Place.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

For those of you who came here from my web page, yes, I've discontinued the blog there.

I couldn't get it to work properly, meaning I couldn't get comments to work. And updating the blog was a pain. I had to upload the entire blog every time. So I'm blogging here. Much easier.

Not a lot to report otherwise. I'm waiting on tenterhooks for Gillian's Place to release. I've got a ton of promo chats etc. to do.

I'll be chatting all day Friday june 20th at Brenda Williamson's Romance Party.

There will be a live chat at Coffee Time Romance on Saturday June 21st from 8PM to 10PM EST.

There will be a chat at Love Romances Cafe from 7PM to 9PM EST on Monday, June 23rd.

From 9PM to 10PM Monday June 23 there will be a live chat at Realms of Love .

And on June 25th there will be a chat all day at Coffee Time Exotic.

I'll be giving away a few copies of Gillian's Place as well.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Starting this up again

I've found that doing a blog on my website is a big time suck. The tools to manage it aren't very good, uploading it to my website takes too long and I can't get the comments to work. So I'm going to start blogging here.

I guess the first order of business is to pimp my next e-book.

Gillian's Place will be released by Aspen Mountain Press on June 20th. This is an anthology of romances that I've penned over the years. These aren't standard romances though. The characters are just everyday people leading everyday lives. They also deal with things not often dealt with in romances; psychological trauma, adultery and divorce, severe physical illness. I'm very proud of these stories.

That's it for today. Enjoy your weekend.